Copyright protection law helps fine art photography

When you stop getting paid at your job you quit working. When someone can steal your stuff and continue stealing it with no consequences, then you are not going to keep making more stuff. And when your work is stolen it’s hard to get paid for it. Everyone can understand these simple principles. Senate Bill 3804 – “Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act” makes it more difficult for someone to steal the work created by writers, filmmakers, and visual artists. Better protection will help the proliferation of more work.

There is little doubt that the internet has made copyright infringement very easy. People can easily copy text, music, video, and images that are the products of other people’s labor. But just because it is easy to take something does not make it legal.

People need to respect the ownership rights of the writers, musicians, filmmakers, and visual artists. One way is to have better copyright enforcement. Senate Bill 3804 helps the Attorney General protect those rights by giving him tools take action against websites that are “dedicated to infringing activities.”  This will require people to think about whether or not they own the rights to what they post on their websites.

I’d like to encourage you to contact your Senators and Congressperson and ask them to support this critical law.

3 Suhler fine art nude photographs picked by China photo competition

The “Modern Image — First China International Internet-based Photography Competition” has selected three photographs from Tom Suhler’s (e)Motion collection for exhibition in the 2010 International Orange Photo Festival in Changsha City later this month. Suhler’s images were chosen from a group of more than 30,000 entries from 30 countries.

The official announcement states, “On September 7, the judges flied to Changsha and selected the works on the net for two days. The judges are satisfied with the quality and quantity of the candidate works in the Competition.  The high-leveled photography competition has created an opportunity for Changsha photography circle to directly communicate with the world top photographers and improved the publicity of the brand of the photography culture in Changsha.”

The 2010 International Orange Photo Festival will be held October 22 to 29, 2010. The selected photographs will be exhibited for the first time in Orange Island in Changsha City, Hunan Province on October 22, 2010.

Tom’s selected photographs can be viewed on the competition’s web site and below.

Fine Art Nude "Seis Trace" by Tom Suhler
Fine Art Nude “Seis Trace” by Tom Suhler


Fine Art Nude "Forward" by Tom Suhler
Fine Art Nude “Forward” by Tom Suhler

Fine Art Nude "Fandango" by Tom Suhler
Fine Art Nude “Fandango” by Tom Suhler