“A Generous Kingdom” Symbolism, Story, & Beyond

Observing Cloud Connections
Observing Cloud Connections

Portland Oregon’s Verum Ultimum Art Gallery show “A Generous Kingdom” opening reception is Saturday January 11th from 6:00 – 8:00. Observing Cloud Connections from my “In The Clouds” collection was selected to be part of the show which focuses on symbolism, story, & beyond. This will be the first time that Portland’s art patrons can see my work in one of their galleries. Thanks to the two artists appearing in this piece for bringing this idea to life. More pieces like this can be found on my website.

Duo Quattuor Travels to Kansas City

Duo Quattuor
Duo Quattuor

Kansas City Missouri’s Jones Gallery is exhibiting Duo Quattuor during their January show. This piece is part of my “Foreign Worlds” collection. It was created in Austin featuring two fellow artists. The Jones Gallery show opens this Friday, January 3rd, with an event from 5:00 – 9:00. This is the first time Kansas City’s art patrons will be able to see my work in person.

Las Laguna Gallery’s “Stunning” Show

"In The Clouds" Collection

My work is appearing at Las Laguna Gallery in Laguna Beach, California for the first time. Thanks to the three great artists appearing in this piece which is part of my “In The Clouds” collection.  This piece will be on display in the gallery as part of the “Stunning” show through December 28th.  More pieces like this can be found at my website.

Sounds & Sights from Tom Suhler’s Original Smoke Set

For over two years I worked on developing ideas, stories, imagery and forms with one common element, smoke. This video gives you a brief look at the final step in the creative process for me. I worked alongside some very talented artists who are dancers and aerialist to bring those thoughts to life.

This is a rare look onto my sets as they are closed to the public. I find that restricting the set to only the artists involved helps foster an environment that is beneficial for the creative process. One that is safe for everyone to try things without worrying about failing. This is very important when attempting things that have not been done before.

Sounds & Sights lets you listen in on brief snippets between myself and the artists as we transform thoughts into physical scenes. The audio is overlaid with stills consisting of test shots, rehearsals and final images.

I will be returning to the studio this Spring to continue my exploration of smoke.

Nude Nite Jury Selects Tom Suhler's Contemporary Art

For the Fourth Consecutive year, Nude Nite’s jury has selected Tom Suhler’s contemporary art for their Orlando and Tampa shows.  “S No. 1” & “S No. 2” from his latest project, The Smoke Collection, will be making their Florida debut.

S No. 1
S No. 1

S No. 2
S No. 2

Nude Nite Orlando runs from February 13 – 15 and Nude Nite Tampa March 6 – 8.